This is King's Landing, the main capital of Westeros, home to the King of the continent and House Baratheon. The text is written in a sort of ancient font to show the time the Game of Thrones.
Another capital city - Dragonstone
Winterfell is another main capital, home to House Stark. The famous Sean Bean plays as the Lord of Winterfell.
The Wall is also a key point in the Game of Thrones, this wall divides the north and the south and also protects it.
This is another key point in the world, the Dothrak, this is a desert wasteland where the Queen of Dragons keeps her dragons.
This shows the different houses of the Game of Thrones world, this consists of Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tulley etc... The deer is standing out the most because the house is represents (Baratheon) rule Westeros.
This is a slide for the main actor of the series, Peter Dinklage, although there are many main characters in the series, Peter Dinklage has received many awards for his effort and devotion towards the Game of Thrones.
And finally the last main slide shows the title to the Game of Thrones, with brilliant art effects around it to fully advertise the series.
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